January 25, 2011

When chocolate doesn't work.

I have been feeling like shit over the last week. All work-related. I'm feeling continually screwed by academia and acdemics. I'm hoping this will pass.

What do you do to make yourself feel better? Chocolate normally works, but it didn't this time.


post-doc said...

Massages, bubble baths, vacations? Rearrange furniture, buy shoes, new lipstick? (I get frustrated a lot.)

unknown said...

Thanks Katie. Continual fuckage just gets so bloody tiring. Postdocs make shit pay, we work ridiculously long and hard, academic job opportunities are dismal right now, and as women we have be 2X as good. So what's left - a little recognition, is that so much to ask?

Canuck said...

I would go to #6 on your resolution list. When chocolate doesn't work - go to something stronger, and mark something off the to do list at the same time.

Anonymous said...


Psycgirl said...

I give myself permission to mentally check out and watch tv or read a no-brainer novel for hours at a time!

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of running. That way, if running does not do the trick you can always eat junk food guilt free.

ScientistMother said...

Booze. Which is probably why I"m not feeling better, since that option has been taken away from me for the next 1.5 yrs....

I'm sorry you're having a shitty week.

chall said...

I'm sorry it doesn't feel good. Totally been there.

Booze or rather; a really hard work out with the heavy bag, boxing gloves ... and then finish it with some sort of cardio contraption at the gym. Then, after shower, booze.

I only need a little after that too (dihydrated) and then stumble into bed. Wake up feeling fresh and less aggressive and sad.

Then again, it's hard to find the energy and time to go through all that with lab work etc...

Gem said...

Don't let it get you down! When I feel in a rut with work, I start brainstorming a brand new project. Nothing like the excitement of planning a new science project to shake away the frustrations of the current one(s)!

Anthea said...

Running, going for a long walk far far away from said academics...some booze with friends who aren't academics? I often will do something else totally unrelated to anything academic.

unknown said...

Thanks everyone for all the awesome suggestions!

@Canuck Done. Pale ale and little Dr. Dreamy.

@Anon 4:14 I tried scotch in grad school. I had a friend who kept a bottle in her desk drawer. After especially frustrating meetings with her supervisor, she'd have a little.

@PsycGirl I'm hooked on Grey's Anatomy now.

@Anon 6:54 Okay will try the running tomorrow.

@SM I'll have a drink for you.

@chall I'll remember the boxing gloves - what a great idea.

@Gem Yes. I think you're partly right. Working on the things I have control on will definitely help.

@Anthea Time for a girls night out!

therapydoc said...

Two letters, TV.

microbiologist xx said...

When academia gets me down, I usually search for jobs. This calms me down some as I can reassure myself that I can get a different job if/when the time comes, ie. I'm not stuck - even though it feels like it.

Jenn, PhD said...

See... I just made myself this most delicious from scratch chocolate cake yesterday, and it didn't do the trick either. Hope the running works. In MSc grad school, gym classes with lots of punching and kicking usually helped :)

The liability of a brown voice.

 It's 2am in the morning and I can't sleep.  I'm unable to let go of the ruminations rolling around in my brain, I'm thinkin...