November 7, 2010

I think I've seen Bob

I finally saw SuperSizeMe. Although I haven't eaten fast food for almost 12 years, I'm pretty sure this species of monkey is rather common around McDonalds.


MuKa said...

Eeep! I'm about to head to the States for 5 weeks and was going to live off McDonalds. I wonder if Burger King is a better alternative?

Anonymous said...

Neither. Although apparently, cheap, fast food is really bad for your liver. If I were in your place, I would probably buy groceries and live off of vegetables, fruit, bread and cheese. It's probably just as cheap but better for you.

Bashir said...

Fast food for every meal can be pretty rough especially if you aren't used to it. Veggies, rice, pasta, maybe even those instant kimchi noodle bowls would be better.

Romy said...

I'm a vegetarian but I might look like that...

The liability of a brown voice.

 It's 2am in the morning and I can't sleep.  I'm unable to let go of the ruminations rolling around in my brain, I'm thinkin...