October 11, 2010

The dynamics of changing labs

The average PhD student in this current economic climate is expected to do at least 2 different stints as a postdoc. Getting that t-t position seems to depend on two things: productivity and luck. While I believe that hard work is definitely part of the equation, it seems to me that opportunity is just as important. Opportunity in terms of the mentoring provided by the supervisor and opportunity in terms of jobs that come up and seem to be a perfect fit. This is what I mean by lucky.

There has been a lot of discussion on how long one should do a postdoc - ranging from 2-10years. Ten years in my opinion is idiotic. But 4-5 years is expected and average in my field. So this is likely to mean changing labs.

There are some definite advantages and disadvantages to changing labs. The advantage to changing labs is kinda like renting different apartments or houses. Before you buy, it's important to experience different kinds of spaces. I have lived in a lot of different apartments. From the incredibly small but open concept apartment with a great city vibe to a sheep-grazing "farmhouse" with its smalltown backdrop.

Being a postdoc gives you the opportunity to live in different labs. In my PhD, I had a lab where I basically had the resources I needed to get the project finished. I didn't exactly know what I needed but I learned that along the way. I had two supervisors: one that supervised and the other was my DaddyWarbucks. And as I learned what I might need, I would go to DaddyWarbucks and he would provide the necessary resources. Now that I think about it - it was a pretty sweet situation.

In Postdoc1, I basically ran the lab for DrAdd'EmUp. I kinda knew what the budget was (apparently better than he) and I got the lab tech to order whatever I wanted. For good or bad, that was the situation. Now in postdoc2, it's totally different. My supervisor, ProfPureEnergy is very clearly in charge. She fully understands what equipment and tools it takes to get projects done. And all the ordering goes through her so she can have the last word on items purchased. This is because there is no lab tech and so that she can make sure that what happened in Dr.Add'EmUp's lab doesn't happen to her. As a small lab, she's still capable of big projects, but only because she spends her money where she believes she can get the biggest bang for her buck.

So while all this is good, I'm finding it hard. At today's lab meeting I asked if we could get an additional small piece of equipment and she said that she didn't think it was necessary. We need another, let's call it SaladSpinnerExtraordinarie, in our lab because it gets moved around from benchtop to benchtop as needed in the lab was my assertion. My argument was that there should be at least 1 SSE per two people in the lab. Her argument - well think about how many FabulouslyAmazingRunsonSuperFancyMachine you can do for said SaladSpinner. ProfPureEnergy suggested we try to get along without it for a while and that if I still thought we needed it - she would get an additional one.

ProfPureEnergy is completely reasonable. And despite feeling like I'm not in control of the resources, I really am looking forward to working with her. I know that being resourceful and careful about grant money is a good lesson for any aspiring academic.

A second thing that is hard to overcome is lab mythology. Both of my previous labs had very strong protocols about dealing with PotentialCarcinogen. PotentialCarcinogen had its own room and if you went in there you didn't go in there without gloves. When you left that room, you left your gloves behind. PotentialCarcinogen didn't leave the designated room.

But here, it's just used on a bench in the lab and there is nowhere near the excessive concern for it as there was in my old lab. In fact, the approach taken in this lab is very similar to what is expressed here.

Just a sidenote that across the board, labs are pretty much identical on how to deal with hazardous chemicals.

Now that I think about it and understand more about PotentialCarcinogenOnlyIfYouExposeYourselfToRidiculouslyHighAmts, I realize that in the two previous labs a. there was extra space and so it didn't hurt to put it in separate room and b. the lab techs in both places were slightly fearful individuals.

But lab myths are an awful lot like those silly childhood superstitions that are drilled into you at a young age. For instance, my mom told me never to cut my toenails at night because it will bring you very bad luck. Why? I could never really figure it out. Maybe it has something to do with cutting yourself on the shards of nails that you can't find in the carpet. Do I cut my toenails at night? No.

Taking the opportunity to travel and live in different circumstances can help you gather evidence to expose what might be a silly belief. So I'm going to try and take my big fat ego, stick it in a box labeled "Not for the faint of heart", and let myself be mentored not just by the supervisor but by all those in the lab.


thehumanscientist said...

In the lab where I did my PhD, we had close to one salad spinner per person. In fact we had extra ones on the shelf that people didn't like so much. (I also had my own salad spinner, and PCR machine, when I did my undergrad student placement in Big Pharma). So I was pretty shocked when I joined my postdoc lab and there was one salad spinner for the whole lab. But to my surprise, it turns out most of the time you can do just fine with only one. Although I've never felt particularly restricted in what I can buy in my current lab, it has been a really good lesson in how little you can get by on if you need to.

unknown said...

Yes it's really surprising how little one needs to do science. I think especially now with a lot of it outsourced to companies who can do it cheaper and faster.

The liability of a brown voice.

 It's 2am in the morning and I can't sleep.  I'm unable to let go of the ruminations rolling around in my brain, I'm thinkin...