September 24, 2010

Do something nice for your postdoc!!!

US House recognizes National Postdoc Appreciation Week
In the nick of time, at 4:30 PM on Thursday, the United States House of Representatives officially recognized National Postdoc Appreciation Week, which began on Monday and occurs during the week of the third Monday in September. The National Postdoctoral Association led the successful drive for passage of House Resolution 1545, which salutes the "accomplishments and contributions" of postdocs to the nation's research effort, notes "the career development and other professional needs of postdocs in every field of study," and "encourages the improvement of [their] career and training opportunities."

Such high-level attention surely raises the profile, respect, and morale of postdocs. Now, if only someone would propose and Congress would propose and pass legislation to raise postdocs' incomes and actual career prospects!

FROM ScienceCareers


Anonymous said...

"...begins on the third Monday of September, and ends on the third Friday..."

Wait. (checks calendar) So they've approved it in time to just miss it?? Well that's awesome. Guess my PI's off the hook for another year then.

Ed said...

"legislation to raise postdocs' incomes..."

My suggestion is to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, cut the military budget, and use some of the savings to raise salaries.

unknown said...

@AA Exactly my thoughts. My feeling is that in honour of that week a supervisor could do something nice next week.

@Ed You can wish in one hand...(of course this comment is also appropriate as a response to my own comment above)

Ed said...

These wars will end because the U.S. is going broke.

microbiologist xx said...

"Now, if only someone would propose and Congress would propose and pass legislation to raise postdocs' incomes and actual career prospects!"


AA- LOL! my thoughts exactly.

unknown said...

@Microbiologist XX
You know I may be blinded by optimism this morning, but I feel like that may happen sooner than we think.

The liability of a brown voice.

 It's 2am in the morning and I can't sleep.  I'm unable to let go of the ruminations rolling around in my brain, I'm thinkin...