March 18, 2011

I wish I had US citizenship.

For those minority postdocs and early career tt who are US citizens or permanent residents, apply for this award.

If I could I totally would apply.

I have faced this problem over and over again. As a scientist from an underrepresented minority, I would love to apply for the different postdoctoral fellowships and awards aimed at me. But because I am not a US citizen or a permanent resident, I'm not eligible. Unfortunately there is nothing like the Ford Fellowship, or FASEB (Federal American Societies of Experimental Biology) awards in Canada. As far as I'm aware no federal Canadian organizations offer this kind of support to its minority scientists. And with Stephen Harper I'm not holding my breath that NSERC or CIHR will have the money to do this. NSERC canned the University Faculty Awards designed to increase the representation and retention of women in academic tt positions. The last awards were given in 2008. I know someone who was lucky enough to get one of these. Timing is everything.

So those of you who can, take advantage of this support while it still exists! Here's the description of the award.

Advanced postdocs or new assistant professors who belong to underrepresented minorities and have "demonstrated research productivity" are invited to apply for one of the 6 Postdoctoral Professional Development and Enrichment Awards presented annually by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). Each winner receives $3000 in unrestricted career development funds plus $2500 in travel funds.

Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents and members of one of the FASEB constituent societies. The deadline is May 31. Application information is here.


Anonymous said...

Shocking! I thought you were proud to be Canadian! :-)

canuck said...

I wish we had a program similar to the K99 program in Canada too. A friend of mine received one during his postdoc and it seemed to make things a bit easier in finding a faculty position.

unknown said...
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unknown said...

@Anon: With the way Stephen Harper has gutted science funding. Not so proud. Plus two words, dude - dual citizenship.

@canuck My thoughts exactly. A little bit of support can go a long way.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you in the citizenship woes right now. There are so many awards that I'm ineligible for here in the US because I'm a Canadian citizen. Considering my lab is having a wee financial crisis right now, having my funding opportunities expanded would be much appreciated!

TheDiversePhD said...

Thanks for sharing this :)

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